Don and Ava Sleeping

Christmas in Hurricane. Tons of Fun!!!

How cute is this white outfit??

And this one too!

We have had a very wet winter. Tons of snow!

Brooklyn is playing basketball this winter, she is a really good defender!! Can draw fouls ~ would be great if she could shoot those free throws, she is getting better at offense

Another one of Ava sleeping, she is so peaceful when she is sleeping.

Pictures from Vegas when we went down for my Grandpa Chet's funeral. It is sad that we have to get together under sad circumstances.
The boys always have fun with my dad. This looks like Kyle upside down.

Brooklyn and Alexa playing cheerleaders.

Riley holding Ava

After the funeral we drove to Turlock(by Modesto) to visit with Don's family. This is Ava with Don's Mom.

Brooklyn's new hat from Grandma Pam

Mario and Ava

Grandpa and Ava

More Ava

Crazy hair day.

Brooklyn and Aria

I am so thankful for Sean and Mandy!! They have been taking the girls for me a bunch so that I can have a few hours to go to the gym or do whatever it is I need to do. This day Sean came over to watch Ava for me and when I got home they were both crashed out! How cute is that??

The depression isn't as bad as it used to be, it is getting better. Hopefully I will have more time to post more regullarly.
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I love all these pictures!! the ones with Ava & Don are precious, and Brookie is equally cute in that cheer outfit & playing ball. the one of Shaun & Ava made me about DIE! I know I told you that, but seriously it is so sweet.
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