The Dr. had sent us home Tuesday, doing a c-section didn't work for her schedule then, seriously...that is more or less what we were told. We came home frustrated. My mom's flight came in late Tuesday night. Boy we were glad she was here in the middle of the night!
I woke up at 4:00am to use the restroom, while there I noticed I was wetter then normal. I walked around the house, woke Don up, oh wow....and then I started dripping more and more. We got ready to leave woke mom and Brooklyn up to tell them we were leaving my water had broke.
We get to the hospital about 4:45am. This is exactly the situation that they didn't want me to be in for my c-section. I was in full blown active water broke. The Dr. came to the hospital and reminded me that this isn't the "ideal" c-section situation, they really didn't want me in active labor...again, duh! I reminded her that they sent me home the previous 2 days when I wasn't in active labor and still dilated to a 4 and 5 respectively.
They got a hold of my Dr. who came to the hospital said we would do the c-section at 6:00am. I toughed out the contractions, my Dr. wouldn't give me anything for them- again why?? I was in a fair amount of pain. I was used as a human pin cushion - all morning. I have one pokeable vein. It is in the crook of my left arm. I was informed that this isn't the "ideal" spot to start my IV as I

I am now in hardcore active labor, and the Dr. would not authorize me to get anything to alleviate my pain or reduce my contractions - as I was supposed to be in the O.R. at 6:00am, I thought I could wait - and then at 6:30 I thought I was going to kill someone. There really is no reason, in my opinion, to allow a woman to go through all of that. I was already to the point that I could have had an epidural. The nurses told me that I would be going to the O.R. in about 20 minutes and I said, "Yeah, Ok, I heard that 2 hours ago!" So they tell me the O.R. is ready now, and that it is just down the hall to the right and another right and that I would be walking!!! They made me WALK to the OR, gushing water and contracting and in full blown active flippin labor! I asked for a wheel chair and I was told they could get it for me, but they thought I could make it. So I did. Between contractions I was still in good spirits though, I was trying to laugh and joke around with the nurses.
The anesthesiologist came in and had me assume the position, legs dangling chin touching my chest back arched. He began poking around with these long skinny needles that are only used to find the place where the spinal fluid leaks from, and then he would administer the spinal.
Well, I think I had the "B" team, the interns who only know what they are doing because they saw it once on "A Baby Story", He poked in my back for 30 minutes. Asking me what I was feeling as I would have shooting pains in one place or another because he had hit a nerve. Is this the moron that you want poking needles into your spine. Meanwhile I am getting more and more and more uncomfortable with every contraction. I was now crying, Don wasn't allowed in the room for this, I was begging for a Tylenol - something. I asked Dr. I am not a Dr. but I play one on TV, if there were any other options

So the picture above is my back where he tried to stick me, we counted the red dots there are at least 12 maybe more. 12 times!!
My OB came in with the other Dr.s who were assisting and gathered the nurses together to prep them for what was going to go on, "We are going to do a primary section followed by a TUBAL LIGATION." Now, she got it in her head that I was having my tubes tied, my last 3 Dr. appts she mentioned this to me and I was always really quick to correct her. Monday at our last appt, I talked to her about maybe an IUD, but never a Tubal. Underneath the mask, I yell out, "NO!! We are not doing that!" Then she tells the staff that this "must be a last minute change." "! IT was NEVER an option!!!" Hi, can you say LAWSUIT??
I am not sure how the delivery went, Don wasn't allowed in either. I was in recovery for 2 hours, where Nurse Hatchet told me I wasn't in any pain because I had gotten Morphine and Demoral. I was softly crying....I came out of it a bit emotional. I kept asking about my baby, Don and where my glasses were at, since they took them from me in the OR, she kept ignoring me. So I began to cry, another nurse asked her if she could help with anything and Nurse Hatchet told her that I have been "emotional all day." NO CRAP!!!
Once in my room things got better. I slept a lot. I got to see Ava and Don. Ah, relief.
My recovery has been awesome! Although I am a bit sore even today, I have been up and walking since the day after and feel like a million bucks compared to my delivery with Brooklyn. And no reconstructive surgery necessary!! SWEEEEET!!
Oh my goodness! I cannot believe what you had to go through. Your poor arm and back.
Oh, Erica, how awful!!!! Every worst case scenario? Played out, right there.
But it is wonderful that you have a healthy, gorgeous baby. Good thing we get that result. If we went through all that and got, like, a puppy or something, it would so not be worth it.
You need to write a letter to the CEO of the hospital, let them know how you were treated. That is totally unacceptable. Send the pictures. Let them know you are posting them on your blog for the world to see. Demand an apology. They really should apologize, or send you a gift basket, or SOMETHING.
I laughed so so so hard at this: "Complete and utter contempt for everyone in this room." You tell 'em.
Good Idea Sue!!
I wanted to know who to start sending my letters to. Because I have one that I have been drafting - I want an apology!!
Geez, I was laughing at your doctor comments. I cannot believe they stuck you so much. Your arm and back look awful! Definitely write a letter and they owe you something more than an apology.
I am cracking up at all the names you gave the doctor. My favorite was "Dr. I saw this done on Baby Story." Glad you can find humor in such a crappy situation. I cannot believe how badly the Dr & especially Nurse Hatchet treated you. Bedside manner much?? I agree with Sue, someone higher up needs to hear about this.
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