Friday, October 12, 2007

Just pictures

4 Days Old

5 Days Old and Loving the hand!!

5 days old

1 Week Old

8 Days Old

I just took these pictures this morning. Our camera does a warning flash, and it always makes her squint. So I have very few pictures with her eyes open!


Jess said...

She is a doll baby! So, so, so sweet and cute.

Heather said...

Oh my gosh! She is SOOOOO cute!

TheOneTrueSue said...

She is GORGEOUS. AAAAAAAAH! I want a baby.

Anonymous said...

Thanks Jess and Heather!


Haahaa! Thanks guys, she is beautiful!

Me said...

OOOOOOOooooooooooooooo! she is so dang cute. she looks like Don in the first few and like you in the last couple. she is so beautiful!!!