Flashing her gold slippers...
School started the Monday after soccer started. Brooklyn is in the 4th grade this year! NUTS!!

It is so hard for me to believe that she is 9! GEEEZ! Starting this year they break up for math and reading so that they can be better taught on ability and also to get them ready for changing classes in Jr. High. She is in the excellerated math and reading groups. That is a relief to me - she sometimes will not try as hard as she should to be as smart as she is - if she is around friends who aren't as smart. She doesn't want to hurt feelings and stuff - so this way I don't have to worry about it! YEAH!
Where are Brookie's high heels she got at grandma's? She look's so cute and grown up. luv ya.
Yeah she IS only in the 4th grade...to young for stripper shoes! She wanted to wear the black ones to church - I veto'd it.
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