Saturday, September 8, 2007

Soccer Season

Soccer season officially started a few weekends ago. Brooklyn plays U-10 (under 10 yrs old) she is one of 2 returning U-10 players to her team this year. Which means all the rest of the kids are just 8, and at this level the field gets bigger and the teams are more aggressive. We lost our first game so horribly! I mean the other coach even told his girls to lighten up a bit, as they were creaming us! Our goalie would duck away from the ball, Brooklyn who was playing full back - or defense had possesion of the ball, ran it up to the other teams mid field and all of her teammates were behind her still down by their goal. She was screaming to them as the other team had 5 players on her,"Give me someone to pass to." The other girls were too busy checking manicures I guess?? She was so frustrated, she had gotten the ball with in scoring range if there was anyone else to back her up! They lost...9 to 0!! Pretty pathetic!
We had a more evenly matched game last night, by that I mean they sucked as bad as we did! hahaha, no just more young players - it was a good game 3-2 we won. That is good to get a win under our belt. Our coaches are these people who want everyone to have "fun" and winning doesn't matter. Um...yes it does! You are playing a sport! Winning matters. Maybe it isn't the most important thing in the world, but I don't want the coaches telling them that winning doesn't matter! Several of these girls wanted to name the team the "girly girls" Brooklyn put her foot down on that one, she wanted something more omminous and scary. They ended up with the "Dynamic Dolphins" she is still not thrilled with it but it is admittedly better then the girly girls. We have the drama queen to beat all drama queens on our team, she gets kicked in the shin (wearing her guards) or has a ball hit her and she falls to the ground and cries....for a second. Brooklyn will always yell across the field, "This is soccer get up and stop crying if you don't want to ." It cracks me up! I feel the same way!! So hopefully this team will shape up.
We have lost 2 - won 1 - tied 1. Not soo bad for starters.

1 comment:

Be Individual said...

You have become a soccer mom!