We had a Dr. appt yesterday. I am up 1.5 lbs, grrrr, grand total of 18 now?? Oh well still less then 20.
My Dr. is a woman, I dislike that. She doesn't listen to what I am saying because she knows the answers already. Anyway, I had told her that I was feeling really sick the last few days and I had been having lots of hard contractions but they never last longer then a few hours so I didn't go to the hospital knowing I had an appt Monday. She says, "well if they were real contractions then you wouldn't just figure you had an appt Monday. You would have gone to the hospital."
Or maybe, I am not a whining cry baby. So she checks me...."Whoa....wait.....you are dilated to a soft 4 and about 50% effaced. I guess your contractions were doing something." I remind her of the nausea and vomiting and she says, " Oh yeah, that happens when you are going into labor...blah blah blah" I hate that you have to be dilated to not be a liar. Anyway she said if I were to a 5 she would have admitted me yesterday. I am still contracting off and on. I want to make sure I am good to go before I go to the hospital otherwise they will just send me back home.
So needless to say we were running around yesterday packing bags, mine and Brooklyn's (to go to a friends house if my mom isn't here yet), installing car seats, putting up the playpen bassinet thing in our room, finishing up her room. It may happen sooner then later folks! I am going for a walk again today, last nights walk was very productive and I thought we were going to have to call 911 and have them wheel me off the bike path. So maybe tonight??

We got the BEST deal on this dresser! My sis in law Mandy made this blanket
price was $500.00 we got it mark down
clearance with a coupon for $220.00
Brooklyn crocheted this little lap blanket for the baby. She is very talented!
OH and since I can't reach my toes, and I wanted pretty nails for the hospital, I had Don paint my toes, literally my toes, wasn't supposed to be but ohwell can't fault the guy for trying..... progress. (can you see the paint all over my tips of my toes?)

That is so exciting! Best of luck with everything. The nursery is so darling and girly, I love it. The painted toes were cracking me up!
OH!!! It looks so great and girly!! That dresser is so classy & pretty. It goes so good together. You're going to have a baby to put in there tonight I bet!!!!!!!
and cute sausages
YES, YES. My toes aren't that cute normally...but swollen they are especially attracive.
Thank you Jessica!!
I am so in LOVE she is an angel. I cant wait to come and see her!!
LOve you guys!!
Love Auntie Shannon
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