Sunday, September 16, 2007

two little monkies jumpin on the bed....

Brooklyn and fellow monkey Aria were playing on Aria's bunkbeds yesterday. Brooklyn was hanging on the side or something? She fell and hurt her wrist. The swelling hadn't gone down yet today so we took her into the ER. Not so bad on a Sunday. Our entire hospital stay only took 2 hours.

After a few X-rays, which the tech let her see everyone so she could see her bones, nothing is broken just badly sprained.

She was pretty cute about it, thinking she gets out of practicing piano. She asked if she could have her friends sign her ace bandage. Sure, whatever. You silly girl. Then tonight we put her to bed, she comes out. "It is really tight."

"Go to bed." "But, it's tight." "Go to bed. Adios. bu-bye." "Do you guys know anyone that has had these on before." We both give the 'oh, please' look. I have had 2 sprained ankles and a broken leg in less then 2 years, I am familiar with the ace bandage, to which she asks...

"Have you ever known anyone who's fingers fell off because it was on to tight?"

hahaha we both laugh hysterically- she is a bed time staller - big time! Worse then a small child. But still manage to get the words "Go to bed." out of our mouths. SUCH DRAMA!!!

1 comment:

Me said...

she's so dramatic! crappy that you had to go to the ER, but at least it wasn't as bad as it could have been.