Sunday, September 16, 2007

Train wreck

I am emotional. Are you surprised.

I cry - often - and at retarded crap.

I am more emotional now then at the beginning of this pregnancy.

E! True Hollywood Story, "Pink" Yeah not so much the touching tear jerker....ah, unless you are me. I bawled. Why? I don't know. Because I have a 5lb fetus sitting on my bladder, my stand by excuse for just about anything. Ah, the"Pink" story is soo touching.

I am a train wreck.


Me said...

hahahaha! I'm so sorry, but that is SO FUNNY! it IS such an emotional time, but in 3 weeks it will all be over!!!!!

TheOneTrueSue said...

tee hee

You cried over Pink. I'm still chuckling. Hope it goes by quickly for you!!!