Sunday, September 2, 2007

Neighbor update

Thank you to everyone for sending prayers Sandy's way.

2 weeks ago Saturday she took a walk outside - at night - alone and fell. She bled immensely, managed to get inside the house, clean herself up and go to sleep. The next day we visited, she seemed like the old Sandy just weaker.
Later that week she had a Dr. appt and was hospitalized. The brain tumors haven't shrunk and had spread to her spinal column and nervous system. The Dr. said they could treat it with Radiation and make her live a few more months but she would likely be unconscious and in a lot of pain. The treatments thus far for the liver and brain tumors have been so unsuccessful that they opted for hospice care at home where she can be comfortable for the days that she has left.
She is on morphine and so she is not to uncomfortable.
Most recently, Friday I think, we found out that her liver is now so swollen it is blocking off her other organs around it, it is really affecting her digestive system.
Bill is fighting with insurance companies - ugh! I don't think that any spouse should have to do that. They are telling him that they have to resubmit a new life insurance application for Sandy and it may take 2 - 6 weeks to process. She has had this policy for like 15 years with her employer - her employer relocated to Mexico in July, but all the old employees benefits should have remained the same as long as the premiums had been paid. He is stressing out. He wants her to die quickly and peacefully - but not before he gets this stuff worked out or he is screwed. It is so ridiculous!
Don had similar when April died. They had both been working for the State and she had taken a policy out a few months before she was diagnosed with cancer - well then she fought it for a few years and they continued to pay it. Then she died and the State tried to deny Don's claim for the money because she was diagnosed with cancer to soon after the policy was initiated. But they took the money for 2 1/2 years for the premium. Anyway it worked out, but it is not something a grieving spouse should have to put up with.

Keep sending your prayers and thoughts up this way.

1 comment:

Be Individual said...

Yes it's riduculous to have to worry about insurance companies and paperwork. It does get so frustrating sometimes. I hope it all works out. I'll keep her in my prayers.