Sunday, September 23, 2007


Two weeks from tomorrow! Yikes!
I am so scared and nervous! I will no longer be able to say to my friends with small kids, "Well mine is self sufficient." We are going to have to take care of a person soon. The only reason we need a sitter for Brooklyn is because we would go to jail if we didn't! I am nervous about the adjustment period. Don is equally nervous, having never had a baby before. His older kids were like 5 and 12 when they got married and Brooklyn was 7. Although he did have younger siblings he and Sean have a 10 year age difference. But still not his kid. Don is so sweet though, he is very excited about it. I told him that if we have company while my mom is here, we may have to pry the baby from my mom's arms to allow company to see her, and he said, "Your mom will have to fight me for her, because I am going to be the one holding her the whole time."

Isn't that sweet? I really can't wait to see my mom fight Don for the baby though, cause she will!

So here are a few pictures of me in my June Cleaver dress. I love this dress, it is so June Cleaver to me. They were taken today, so 37 weeks exactly! I took them myself so they aren't they best angles and stuff but you can see how large I am getting.


Me said...

You look great, and like you could have the baby any day! Your hair is so long, too.

Anonymous said...

Don't lie! I look giant and uncomfortable! HAHA

Anonymous said...

Weebles wobble but they don't fall down!
I haven't really fallen since I got this large either

Anonymous said...

I'm only going to be there one week, Don could let me hold Ava for one week of her life. And you look great.

Be Individual said...

Awe, you look so pretty.... Wish I could go but I'll get there soon.... I'm so happy and excited....

TheOneTrueSue said...

I'll bet Brooklyn is so excited! I remember when I met you, at Holly's bridal shower, and Brooklyn was SO LITTLE!

Me said...

ONE WEEK LEFT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!