Friday, August 17, 2007

So you think that you have it rough?

We have some of the best next door neighbors. The old fashioned kind of neighbors that will talk to you when you walk by and save the best Halloween candy for your kid. They have been Don's neighbors and friends for 10+ years.
They are older like 59 and 64ish. Sandy the wife had survived breast cancer back when April had it. About a year ago during one of her routine 6 month check-ups they saw that it had returned. Well that isn't all the crappy part. It had moved so agressively, no sign of it at the visit before. Within months it had spread to her liver.
In the last month they discovered tumors on her brain. She is so hopeful, so optimistic, so sure that she can beat it again. She just stopped working! She had been working full time as an accountant all of this last year, and she used to mow the lawn twice a week! She would take Friday off for Chemo and rest over the weekend. I guess now with the chemo and radiation(to treat her brain tumors) it has finally become to much for her.
They had 1 Black Lab and 1 Brown Lab. The black one's name was Shorty and the Brown dog Quincy. Quincy was about 7 and 6 months ago they found out that he had doggy cancer- I know the timing sucks! Shorty was old and blind and deaf and frail.
Monday Don was impressed to call them to check on them, he talked to Bill and Bill began to cry. He had to put them both down Monday. Quincy had developed new tumors and wasn't responding well to his treatments - Shorty was just old and was about to go on his own. How sad. Just when you think it is safe to wallow in your own self pity over whatever - but to loose his two dogs and knowing that his wife hasn't got much longer. You are loosing everything all at once.
We took them dinner tonight. Bill was working and Sandy had just gotten back from a radiation appt, a little weak and a bit shakey on her feet, but still the same hopeful and optimistic self as always. All smiles and laughs. She asked me how I was doing! I just wish I could be like that. So sweet and humble. It just reminds me that I have absolutely nothing to complain about!
I admire her stregnth so much


Stacie Kay said...

And I had the stones to complain about being an eharony loser? I feel like a chump.

Prayers and best wishes for them both!!!

Be Individual said...

I'm in tears.... How sad! I admire Sandy's strength. Tell her I'm rooting for her. I'm sure it must be so hard for her husband. I'll keep them in my prayers

TheOneTrueSue said...

Oh my gosh. I don't know what to say. We'll send prayers her way.